Community Improvement Center (ICI) Announces Job Vacancy for EOI Call for Consultant

By Shiva - Senior Editor
6 Min Read
Community Improvement Center Announces Job Vacancy for EOI Call for Consultant

EOI Call for Consultant

Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services on WASH promotion in School

Nature of ConsultancyIndividual
Duration15th April 2024 – 31st May 2024 (1.5 months)
LocationDhanusha District – Six Government School – 2 school in Janakpurdham Sub Metropolitian City and 4 school in Dhanuji Rural MunicipalitySurkhet District – Two Government School – Bheri Ganga Municipality
Published date4th April , 2024
End date of application submission10th April, 2024

1. Context and Background

Every child has the right to a quality education, which includes access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services while at school. Children spend a significant portion of their day at school, where WASH services can impact student learning, health, and dignity, particularly for girls. The inclusion of WASH in schools in the Sustainable Development Goals (targets 4.a, 6.1, 6.2) represents increasing recognition of their importance as key components of a ‘safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environment’ and as part of ‘universal’ WASH access, which emphasizes the need for WASH outside of the home.

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Community Improvement Centre (CIC) is national non-Government organization working in partnership with WORLD SHARE on “Enhancing WASH Facilities for Government School in Dhanusha and Surkhet District” to enhance the existing WASH facilities and access to clean water and sanitation facilities. The lack of basic amenities can lead to poor health outcomes and, in turn, lower educational outcomes for students. To address this issue, a project has been initiated to improve access to quality health education and WASH facilities in the Dhanusha and Surkhet district.

This Terms of Reference (ToR) is developed to solicit consultancy service from individuals to have a expertise on basic health education and WASH to provide their expertise in researching the current situation of basic health education and WASH in selected government school in Dhanusha and Surkhet District and recommend the WASH facilities in School and also design the quality health education materials. The research work delivers a significant impact on the lives of the students and the community as a whole.

2. Objectives and Expected Outputs

The overall objective of the service is to conduct gap analysis, report preparation and support & develop basic health education program and teaching materials for selected government schools. 

  • Gap analysis of existing WASH facilities in selected government school in Dhanusha and Surkhet District.
  • Develop basic health education program and teaching materials for selected government school in Dhanusha and Surkhet District.
  • Facilitate consultation workshop in each selected government school. 
  • Facilitate information sharing workshop in each selected government school.
  • Facilitate gap analysis draft sharing workshop in each selected government school.
  • Finalization and handover gap analysis report and teaching materials.

3. Key Deliverables

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  • Inception report
  • Gap analysis report with reference to the existing WASH facilities and basic health education program. 
  • Develop basic health education program and teaching materials

4. Qualifications, skills and experience:

Consultant must at least have a Bachelor or Masters’ Degree in Social Science, Public Health, Environmental Science, Statistics, Demography or any related field with minimum work experience of 7 years on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Behaviour change communication including experience in similar assignment of developing sanitation and hygiene education package. The consultant must possess good facilitation skills for internal and external consultations

5. Time Frame and Deliverables

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S.N.DeliverableWorking DaysModality
1.Gap Analysis Report10Field and Office Work
2.Develop basic health education program and teaching materials15Office Work
25 days

6. Proposal

The consultant should submit a detailed methodology and work plan. The proposal must contain the following.

  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae of the consultant.
  • Relevant experience and examples of prior work in similar fields
  • Work Methodology and Work Plan
  • Consultancy fees with cost breakdown linked with proposed number of working days and it needs to be provided in a separate sealed envelope.
  • Any other relevant information

7. Payment Schedule

Payment will be made in the following tranches.

  • 20 % upon acceptance of the inception report and finalization of the framework
  • 40% upon submission of the draft gap analysis report and basic health education materials.
  • 40% upon acceptance of the final report and finalization of basic health education materials.

Please send your proposal as stated in point (6) to or drop the hard copies at Community Improvement Center (CIC) Office, Murali Chowk, Janakpurdham, Near to Neuro Hospital no later than 10th April 2024.

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